Changing SOTA Payments.

Legacy's School of the Arts program is undergoing a MASSIVE shift in our payment structure, and we want you, our Legacy Community, to be a part of the change.

As of January 2023,
Legacy Theater Company will be moving its School of the Arts program to a "Pay-What-You-Can-Model." 


Legacy's School of the Arts (SOTA) is an after-school program for 7-12 grade students. We have four sessions a year; winter, spring, summer camp, and fall. Each session (either a musical, concert, or play) culminates in a full production at the end of the run.

As a Board of Directors, it has been on our heart to change the structure of our SOTA payments to a Pay-What-You-Can model. We have never seen this done in non-profit theaters, but we feel a call to offer this model to our community. 

We, as a Board, know what our classes are worth, and we will set a recommended price for each class based on the rights to the shows, materials, set design, props, and services.

If a family can pay that amount . . . Great!
If a family can't pay that amount . . . what can you pay? 
If a family can pay more than that amount . . . what a beautiful way to bless another.

We believe there is more than enough to go around, and those who have been blessed financially can be a blessing to another, and those who are struggling aren't left out of the joy, love, healing, and rest that we are offering our children through SOTA.

How Does It Work?

We will give each session a recommended price. When you call to register your student, we will ask you if you want to pay the recommended price or pay what you can. You name the price. We sign up your student. Pretty simple.

What if I can only pay $50 . . . or less?

We believe that there is more than enough to go around. 

In the Bible, Jesus fed a group of over 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish, a miracle of abundance, with food overflowing, for the multitudes and more than enough left over. 

You can hear Jesus saying, "Put the resources in my hands and see what I can do with them." So we, as a Board of Directors, put SOTA in His hands, and we will see what He will do with these precious lives that have been entrusted to our care. 

If you can only bring "five loaves and two fish" or $50, then we believe it will overflow into abundance in God's hands. Bring your fish and loaves, bring your kiddos, and He will do the rest.

I can pay more than the recommended amount and want to bless another family, can I?

Absolutely. When you call to register your child, tell us how much you want to pay over the recommended amount for another child. We have a few families who pay extra to bless others. It is a beautiful and generous gift!

I don't have children in SOTA. Can I sponsor a child? 
Can my business sponsor a few children?

100% YES!

For this program to run effectively, we need the whole community involved. Give us a call, and you can sponsor a child or multiple children for our current or future class.

Why are you doing this?
Are you worried you won't be able to support the program without a set price?

Now more than ever, we all need the love, joy, healing, and rest that Legacy provides through theater, music, and art. And now, more than ever, we can't let economic circumstances shut anyone out of the theater and the legacy being built here.  While we have yet to see a non-profit theater offer this model of classes and workshops, we know we are being called to do so. If you want to read more about our reasoning behind this decision, read Luke 12:22-34. It explains a lot of why we are making this switch. 

Are you worried people will take advantage of this program?

That's between them, God, and their conscience. 
We've been called to this Pay-What-You-Can Model. That's where our focus is. 

This is amazing. How can I learn more?

Call Steven or Erika Bain at 910-548-6323, and we'd be happy to explain the program.

We are removing any financial barriers between your family and being a part of the Legacy family. We aren't trying to "sell" our program to you. We are simply setting the table and saying, "All are welcome . . . come.". (Isaiah 55:1-2)

With Love,
Erika Bain, Kandee Arencibia, Steven Bain, and Kati Meyer
Board of Directors for Legacy Theater Company


The Gift of Belonging.


2022. The Year of Miracles.